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The Tabernacle in St Michael's Church

David Duce

8 February 2024

J.C. Norris in his history of St Michael's Church 1867-1967 wrote "Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament was first introduced at St. Michael's Church sometime between 1932 and 1938: an oak Tabernacle was provided for this purpose on the shelf behind the Lady Chapel altar: it had no metal lining. In 1941, the present Tabernacle was purchased. It consists of a steel safe 14" x 12" x 10" with repoussé bronze double doors; encased in oak and lined with cedar wood and silk.

We have a letter dated 20 June 1941 from The Faith Craft Works Ltd to Fr J.J. Williams who was priest-in-charge at St Michael's at that time. The letter proposed two designs for a tabernacle that match the above description. Images of the designs are shown below. The designs propose the motif IC XC NIKA, (Jesus Christ Conquers, an abbreviation for the Greek Ιησου̑ς Ξριστὸς νίκα), though the letter advises that other motifs would be possible such as the Latin Ecce panis angelorum (Behold the bread of angels). The prices quoted were £23 for design A and £25 for design B.

The tabernacle that is installed in St Michael's follows the basic design, though with a single door and a lamb and flag motif.

Design A

Faith Craft Tabernacle Design A

Design B

Faith Craft Tabernacle Design B