Faith Forum
Faith Forum takes place in the Parish Centre Hall at St Helen's on the first Sunday of the month at 12.45pm. A light buffet lunch is available from 12.30pm. Illustrated talks are followed by the opportunity for discussion. The Parish Centre is found at the bottom of the path through the churchyard opposite the North Porch of the church. The Centre is wheelchair accessible.
In the Spring series, we'll be looking at Big Topics in Theology: Creation, Incarnation, Redemption, and Salvation. We'll look at what we mean when we use these terms, why they matter to the Christian faith, and how they are relevant to us today.
- February 2: Creation, Dr Margaret Adam What is creation 'ex nihilo’ (from nothing)? How does it relate to the physical world we call creation?
- March 2: Incarnation, The Revd Dr AKM Adam 'The Word became flesh…’ What does the incarnation mean for our faith and understanding of God?
- April 6: Redemption, The Revd Dr Jen Brown What does it mean to be redeemed? What is the relationship between redemption and renewal/recreation?
- May 4: Salvation, Dr Tobias Tanton How are we saved? What does it mean to be saved? What is the relationship between sin and salvation?
Faith Forum archive from 2024:
December 1st recording
The Bible Reading Fellowship Karen Laister
October 6th recording
Ignatian reading of scripture Patrick Goujon (apologies for missing sound 2:00-4:30)
September 1st recording
Understanding the Bible John Barton, presented by Jen Brown
April 7th recording
The Eucharist Jen Brown
March 3rd recording
The sacrament of baptism Jen Brown
February 4th recording
What is a sacrament (and how many are there)? AKMA